
Importing Suppliers & Contacts in bulk via an Excel form

Suppliers and Supplier Contacts can be manually imported into CMAP in bulk by using the Vendor Contact Template Excel form;
Step 1 - Click on Administration -> Data Exchange Manager menu -> Internal Workflow -> Internal Campaign
Step 2 - Click on the Wizard Add Files icon at the bottom of the grid…
then click Upload File…
then click the icon titled Drag and drop or Upload File in the middle of the dialog to select a source file…
Locate the file on your local PC or network area and select Save. If an incorrect file is selected you can remove uploaded collateral by clicking on the red cross next to the uploaded collateral. On resulting window press Next
On the Reconciliation window press Next
Finally, press Finish to complete the Import
If successful the newly imported template will appear in the top line of the grid with a status of Success
Made with help of Dr.Explain